Educating the public about nuclear power will be critical for building more capacity worldwide. Here’s what we’re doing to help.

Fission Transition is working to:

• Extend to nuclear plant owners the same economic incentives offered to wind and solar farms for their clean power

• Create a level playing field for clean energy by ending CAISO’s wholesale market trading rule which assigns to wind and solar resources a preferential place in its “loading order”

• Eliminate the awarding of tradeable Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), which can be sold to fossil fuel generators to evade responsibility for the CO2 impacts of their energy

• Promote funding for Gen-4 (fourth generation) reactor development in California to help the state regain its lead in clean energy

• Inform legislators and the public of the many benefits of nuclear energy: its safety, its cost-competitiveness, and small land-use and wildlife impacts

• Eliminate the misleading designation of natural gas as a “carbon-free” source of energy, signed into law by CA Gov. Newsom in 2022

• With FT’s Nuclear Wikipedia Task Force (NuclearWTF?™), clear the world’s most popular reference source of misinformation – and disinformation – that is impeding progress of the world’s most promising source of carbon-free energy

• Work with local communities with municipal power (Sacramento, Alameda, Burbank, Glendale, others) to investigate the possibilities of de-carbonizing with small-modular or microreactors, and/or exporting reliable power as a source of income

• Submit pro-nuclear articles for publication to influential Sacramento news sources (Sacramento Bee, California Globe, Capitol Weekly) where they will be seen, and read, by California’s top policymakers

Listen as Dept. of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm Celebrates the Startup of Vogtle Unit #4 – and the Re-Start of America’s Nuclear Industry

(May 31, 2024) SEC. GRANHOLM: “It is great to be here. And Chris, I just want to foot-stomp all of the acknowledgements and the thank yous that you went through as well.

“I think that every Secretary of Energy, and I’m looking at two of them right here, since 2005 has visited this site. But I’m lucky enough to be able to see all four units up and running. And this facility really exists today because, as you know, over a decade ago a group of visionary leaders made a commitment to meeting the energy needs of Georgia’s residents. Not for just a year, not for just five years, but for decades to come. And even though this would be the first construction of this reactor design, they knew that the plant would safely power this region’s economy for generations.

The economy.

“These were visionaries, many of who are in this room, were the generals who drew up the battle plans for this construction. Betting on new design, new industries, new technologies…it takes guts. But it pays off.  And this project is a prime example of how first-of-a-kind challenges can become nth-of-a kind successes thanks to the work of those who came before, and public/private partnerships.

“Some first-mover projects are too big, they’re too financially risky, they’re too much for the private sector to do by itself. But these same kinds of projects are too important for our nation to fail to act.

“And so these reactors are the result of lots of collaboration, between industry, and the Deparment of Energy, starting with the science and research that led to safer and more efficient reactor designs through a long collaboration between our Office of Nuclear Energy, and Westinghouse, to support the licensing of the AP-1000 reactor, and then financing…from the department’s Loan Programs Office starting back in 2014.” more…

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Air Force nears end of contested microreactor procurement process

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Berkeley Lab’s titanium beam targets one goal: Making the heaviest element yet

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©2024 Fission Transition Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.