

Why donate to Fission Transition?


Of the many new organizations advocating for energy issues, some focus on grassroots efforts – demonstrations, public presentations, marches, etc. Others focus on blogging, social media posts, and other online outreach.

We provide neutral, accurate information to legislators, commissioners, and other government officials who are often unfamiliar with highly technical, energy-related subjects. Our “two pagers” serve as concise summaries of current topics, to help legislators make well-informed decisions that will benefit their constituents.


  • Since 2016, efforts of our members have played a pivotal role in extending the life of Diablo Canyon Power Plant through 2030. We are now working to extend its operation through 2045.
  • Each year, Diablo Canyon prevents 9 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide – about the same as those produced by 1.7 million additional cars on the road.
  • We’ve filed hundreds of pages of expert testimony with the California Public Utilities Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and other state and national agencies.
  • We help to guide energy policy so that, first and foremost, it serves the public interest.
  • Our team of technical experts have been working in nuclear energy, climate/environmental issues, industrial power systems, and grid planning for over half a century; our legal experts include a former California Assemblyman and a veteran advisor to Sacramento lawmakers.

Your donation will make a difference – in preventing climate change, and reducing global energy poverty!


©2024 Fission Transition Inc. a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.