Frequently-Asked Questions


Who are we?


Members of Fission Transition are not representatives for the nuclear industry, the uranium industry, or any other private interest. We’re environmentalists, engineers, physicists, students, and people from all walks of life who understand nuclear energy’s critical role in addressing climate change.


Isn’t nuclear energy dangerous?


No! Contrary to popular belief, nuclear energy is the safest method of generating on-demand grid electricity.

What about the waste?


There’s no evidence spent nuclear fuel from U.S. power plants has ever harmed people, plants, or animals. And there isn’t much of it – spent fuel created by the electricity needs of an average American family of four each year is about the size of a pack of cigarettes.


how does that compare to waste from other sources?


To generate the same amount of electricity as a modern nuclear plant, a natural gas plant would emit 8 million tons of greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions each year – the equivalent of 1.7 million additional cars on the road. A coal plant would emit twice as much. Nuclear plants emit no GHGs.

Why are nuclear plants closing, if they’re such a great idea?


Good question! Market forces have created a situation where energy companies eager to reward investors choose cheaper, dirty fossil fuels to generate electricity. You might wonder, “Why shouldn’t they be liable for the health and environmental consequences of all that extra smoke in the air?” Another good question!


California is making great strides at generating all of its electricity with clean renewables.


Unfortunately no, we aren’t. Because renewables often aren’t available, they require backup generation from dirty sources like natural gas and coal. And grid experts agree – trying to use batteries to power our grid for even one cloudy, calm day would be hopelessly impractical.

So, you’re opposed to renewables?


Though we support most sources of emission-free electricity, the dependence of solar and wind on backup from fossil fuels is a deal-killer if we’re serious about a zero-carbon future (we are).


‘Nuclear is safe’. I don’t believe it.


Believe it. Radiation from the highly-publicized Fukushima accident in Japan wasn’t responsible for a single death or injury. Casualties from the worst nuclear accident in history – Chernobyl – are dwarfed by those from smoke emitted by U.S. coal plants every year, with an estimated 22,000 lives cut short by carcinogens and toxic chemicals released into the air.

Well, I can see why avoiding greenhouse gas emissions will be more and more important.


Yes, you can!


©2024 Fission Transition Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.